Lilith is only mentioned once in Scripture—in Isaiah 34:14. Together with watcher-jackals and goat-demons, she haunts the ruins of Edom. Her name is often translated as owl, since it derives from night. However, that’s not entirely satisfactory since Isaiah clearly uses ‘lilith’ with supernatural overtones, given the demonic company she’s keeping. Quite possibly Delilah, the Philistine wife of Samson, was named after her. And personally I think there are several episodes in the Bible where she is the unnamed spirit operating behind the scenes.
As if to make up for the dearth of information in Scripture, tradition and folklore overflow with tales of her malevolence.
Lilith is basically a vampire spirit—her interest is not, primarily, in eliminating us. Though of course she is the ultimate opportunist, so if it suits her purposes, that can be the outcome. However, she’d rather feed off us. She prefers resurrection life to the ordinary kind—she laps it up. She drains us, saps us dry, depletes us, exhausts us, bleeds us dry. She’s the spiritual power behind narcissists. She enhances the blockages to the processing of shame, causing them to drain others physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.
She’s got a hold on appointed time (see the podcast on that, which features another face of Lilith) and she has some very clever ways for ensuring we never reach that special and designated moment when we are meant to pass over into our calling.
The first tactic is simply to fix us to a spot so we can’t move. You might think we’d notice that problem fairly quickly but, actually, we don’t. We’re speared or staked, nailed down or stabbed through—pinned to a moment in time through trauma. And we’re being drained continually of life by Lilith through the open wound. She’s empowering herself at our expense. We can’t get free of the trauma. Nothing, it seems, works more than temporarily. We do all the usual things—confess, forgive, repent, declare—but we’re still stuck.
The issue is that it’s not enough to remove the spiritual legal rights of this spirit through forgiveness and repentance, we also need the spear that transfixed us in the first place removed. We need to get it pulled out of our spirit.
This isn’t hard. But it’s wise not to try it ourselves. There are dangers because we can retraumatise ourselves, rather than remove trauma. It’s better to ask someone we trust to request Jesus lay His hand on the spear (or spears: there may be many), to break off and dissolve any barbs so it can come out smoothly and to remove it at the same time as the Holy Spirit pours in healing balm to seal the wound instantly and permanently.
Then, when this is complete, check with Jesus to see if there’s any need for further forgiveness or repentance, or whether it’s all done. Simply do whatever He says. That’s the key to coming unstuck.
This is Grace Drops and I’m Anne Hamilton. May you always know and do whatever Jesus says.

Thank you to Lorna Skinner of for the background music.
Understanding false refuges is the single most important step towards dealing with the obstacles barring you from coming into your calling. Hidden in the Cleft explains false refuges in more detail and is available as a paperback or an ebook.
Anne! Thank you.
I’ve mentioned to you elsewhere about the toxic work environment I used to work in. I’ve been out of it for a year now (just passed the 1 year anniversary of freedom), but have still felt so stuck. This morning as I sat down to work (launched my own business, but have felt like all of my ideas, which are typically overflowing when I am healthy, have been nonexistent) this morning, I had the thought that everything I’m experiencing must be linked to a vampire spirit. But I’ve never researched a vampire spirit, nor have any understanding of it. It just seemed right with the thoughts I was having of feeling “completely drained”, “bleed dry”, “life sucked out of me”, “dry” etc.
As I was processing the thoughts of a vampire spirit, the Lord directed me to check your blog and you posted this yesterday. Thank you, Holy Spirit.
I know you have worked hard and labored in research and seeking the Lord in every one of your books and posts and I appreciate how the Lord has blessed you to bless others.
Thank you, Anne.
If someone has named their child this? How could it be redeemed?
I will email you.
“On June 6, the Lilith Demon will be Celebrated Worldwide with Diablo IV Launch.”
Diablo is a computer game. I noticed this headline above on the Charisma News website in last couple days. Then I see your FB post with link to this podcast/notes of yours on Lilith. Interesting timing. You may already be aware of the Charisma News article, but thought I’d mention, if you hadn’t.
Thanks, Ralph. I wasn’t aware of this.
I get your Facebook posts, but I cannot comment on them. Is there any way I could be permitted to do so?
I have many of your books, and they have been so helpful to me. Thank you for your work and your service to the Lord
Thank you
Please let me know via Facebook Messenger what your FB name is. I can add you as a friend when an opening comes up and that should allow you to comment.
Hi, Cece Pierce Vineyard is my FB name. Thank you for your understanding and teaching about Lilith, what a tremendous help it has been. I do have a question, regarding a trauma bond called limerence, usually romantic but not always. My 9 years romantic relationship ended by ghosting. I am grateful for Jesus in this happening, have forgiven my former boyfriend, but still have hurt which harpoons me to that spot. Working on that now. However, although my relationship was real, it was my usual limerent one, based on intense passion, obsession, and lots of fantasy based on a dream relationship with another broken person. Limerence is strange, beguiling, powerful mind control thing, because of it people stalk others and even murder others. It is not love but you think it is, it is not of God, probably a false refuge, but what the heck is it spiritually and why does trauma provoke it? Would you have any insights into the spiritual dimensions? Thank you.
Hi Cece, I have never heard of limerence before, so I will have to look into it before replying.
Thanks, Ann. Interestingly, my son had a problem with this regarding 2 of his girlfriends. One he was put in jail for stalking her by sending her letters only, and was sentenced. The other girlfriend he couldn’t forget for years. It is a strange and powerful thing, beguiling, and can be extremely destructive.
So it’s not necessarily always a trauma that gives her the ability to drain us, sap us dry, deplete us, exhaust us, bleed us dry? Could it be my “willful” participation in her agenda, my giving in to her coersion to ceize the moment of opportunity? What do I do then? I’ve regretted it and repented of it almost immediately but I’ve been experiencing (reaping) all of the above mentioned for about 9.5 years now.
Yes, we can participate in Lilith’s agenda and that’s what the ongoing issue is. However, most of us are completely unaware of that participation. Recognition of the real nature of the problem is, in my experience, about 90% of the solution. Otherwise, we treat symptoms rather than the cause.
Anne, I’ve been waiting for some of your insights on Lilith and you didn’t disappoint. I’ve been continuously drawn back to one significant event in my life and unable to get free. I knew Lilith was involved. This has given me some understanding.
One question about shame – I’ve always been interested in the South African inverted use of the word ‘shame’.
– used to express sentimental pleasure, especially at something small and endearing. “look at the foals—shame, aren’t they sweet?”
Do you have any insights on this? Is it a diversion tactic to manage cultural shame?
Amanda, I’ve never heard that before. This could be completely wrong because I don’t have enough cultural context to have a real feel for it, but it seems like it’s similar to the “tall poppy syndrome” of Australia and NZ. This is where people verbally cut down to size, often through shaming, anyone they see as standing out above the crowd. Two generations back it was commonly used, so it was said, to stop children getting a swelled head. Usually it is seen as resulting from envy. But I believe that is a mistake. I think it originates in the cultural tradition of protecting children against the “Evil Eye” – if any person was too highly praised, it was thought that the praise attracted the attention of the “Evil Eye” and endangered that person’s life. Therefore as soon as anyone was praised, especially children, they were verbally cut down to protect them from spiritual attack.
Anne, regarding your revelation regarding the evil eye, I was raised in a hispanic family culture where we were constantly being prayed over by our parents regarding the evil eye. My mother also did this with my three sons. What are your thoughts regarding how I should pray to break this ungodly practice off of myself and my children. There is a constant struggle with my sons regarding breakthoughs in several areas of their lives.
Hi Rose Mary – I would simply ask the Lord to annul any covenant and cancel any agreement that was made with the Evil Eye without your permission and/or over the top of your authority. Ask Him to intercede for you before the Father, explaining that you were too young to give permission as a child and also did not understand these words needed to be revoked, and now that you do know this, you are asking Him to cancel all such words and agreements by nailing them to the Cross of Jesus.
Last night I was talking to my husband about the problem of not moving forward. I have been on this repeating cycle for years. This has affected my relationship with my children as well. I wish to leave this cycle where the past repeats itself, and where the financial oppression is also real. I have ask for forgiveness several times. A few years ago I had a dream where there was a vine entangled inside of me. In the dream I asked the Lord to remove it. The Lord pulled and the thorns in the vine wrapped around my heart and were cutting my heart. I asked the Lord to stop because the pain was unbearable. Today, I hear this post cast—Lilith I and II and I am clearly seeing what is going on. To top that up, I believe I was feeling the effects of Lilith when I named my dog Lilith, not knowing anything about it! Please pray for me as I start changing my prayer TODAY!!
I read you FB posts but I’m unable to comment. Thank you for doing what you are doing.
You’re right, Glorimar. The pain of Lilith’s thorns can be so great that any further wounding would be fatal. However, Jesus strip off the thorns. So ask Him to do so. Ask for the Holy Spirit to cause the removed thorn-spikes to be turned to dust and to pour healing balm into those areas that were jabbed. Ask Jesus to cut away the vine and to free your heart and then to unite it to praise His name.
Is the story of Abraham and Sarah begetting Ishmael one of those where Lilith (her Anat face) is behind the scenes?
That is more likely to be Belial, the spirit of abuse. God talks about the mistreatment of Hagar, even before she is mentioned by name, and indicates it is such a serious thing that Abraham’s descendants will reap its consequences, beginning in the fourth generation.
Hey Anne, can this spirit also stop my friends business moving forward. The spirit resonates with her and her life. Everything getting taken can’t move forward. Was in a relationship with a narcissist. Everything gets taken from her and she has started a new business doing everything the mentor is telling her but not results. The mentor is baffled.
I have been talking to God believe she needs heart healing and I came across your podcast. It all seems to be linked.
It’s likely that there is some spiritual agreement she unknowingly has with the enemy that is pulling her back. The first step is always to ask the Lord to search the heart and reveal any false refuges that need to be repented of, and renounced.
Anne, I have a question in regards to children — would they have to pray for removal of these things or are we (parents/intercessors) able to pray this removal on their behalf since they are yet children?
We can always pray on our children’s behalf. They may come to a very early agreement in life with these spirits which, when they reach their teen years, they will have to renounce.(By the time a child would reach the age when, if they were Jewish, would be time for a Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah, son of the covenant or daughter of the covenant, they are old enough to bear responsibility for their own spiritual agreements. Until such time, the parent can speak on their behalf.
Many people think that, because young children are innocent, then adults do not need to renounce agreements or complicity with the enemy that date from infancy or childhood. The enemy, however, is a legalist. He doesn’t care when the agreement was made, just that it was. To dissuade someone from renouncing an alliance made in childhood “because you didn’t know what you were doing” suggests the strong influence of an ungodly rationalising spirit in the life of the person doing the dissuading.
Hi Anne
Is a lilith spirit the main operator of 3 generations of men with ” arrested development ” where they all stopped emotional development around 18 years old in the family line????
Hi, can Lilith cause physical symptoms? Been dealing with a lot listed above and also physical symptoms that has left me drained. Drs are unable to tell what it is. I have had dreams of people touching me and then I would manifest and they would tell me what I have in me is ancient. I’m to the point where I have no clue what to do as my health is declining with no answers
Yes, definitely. The most obvious one is the constant feeling of being drained, but for no apparent reason.
Any connection with Lilleth & Jezebel?
Jezebel (the person, not the spirit) worshipped Baal-Hadad, Asherah and their family. Baal-Hadad’s sister, Anat, is essentially the same spirit as Lilith. When Jezebel (again the person, not the spirit) sent the death threat to Elijah, she was basically invoking Anat. Elijah wasn’t afraid of Baal-Hadad or Asherah (or Leviathan for that matter, since he’d crossed a river named for Leviathan on the way to Zarephath) but he was mortally terrified of Anat.
Anne, why do you say that it is better for someone else to pray for the removal for us? How can we endanger ourselves with retraumatizing?
The reason for someone else to do it is because, for many of us, the pain is so great we have detached ourselves from it. Some counsellors advocate getting in touch with the pain but I don’t believe that is necessary. If we get someone else to remove the spiritual spear or stake or knife, we don’t need to be in touch with the pain (and thus retraumatise ourselves). We can observe the process and engage with it that way.