Hi and welcome to Grace Drops!
You’ve found the home of podcasts and resources about threshold and name covenants. In the treasure trove of Scripture, these jewels have been pushed so far into the back shadows we’ve forgotten they even exist.
These short talks aim to uncover the importance of these covenants for everyday life and ordinary Christian experience. Most believers have discovered that, when they try to enter into the calling they sense God has placed over their lives, they are blocked by intense constriction, wasting and retaliation. Grace Drops explores why this happens.
Back in the late nineteenth century, just as the understanding of threshold covenant was disappearing, Henry Clay Trumbull recorded many contemporary cultural practices in The Threshold Covenant. It is available for download here.
While his book explains what this covenant is, it doesn’t tell us the spiritual ramifications of violating this covenant. However, Scripture is quite clear on this matter. Let mystery give way to revelation as you listen and read.
Grace and peace

123: Cornerstone 1
My all-time favourite Bible verse is: ‘Those who believe will not be in haste.’ I first saw it on a fridge magnet and it spoke to me so deeply, it rocketed straight to the top of the Scriptures I most love. Unfortunately, however, the fridge magnet didn’t give book,...
122: Covenant of Peace
When we constantly scrub up the behaviour of our faith heroes so that their actions almost always appear irreproachable, sooner or later we’re going to paint God as the villain. That’s inevitable when someone or something other than the Lord becomes an idol. We...
121: Prayer 15
Heavenly Father The desire for a king to protect us and tell us what to do in a crisis—a king like the nations, a leader like the business world—is so deeply ingrained in us. Even when we see it, we don’t really want it any other way until the ‘king’ becomes...
120: Faithlines—David’s Mantle 8
When I was first examining the poetic structure of John’s gospel and realised it is designed to reveal the passing on of different mantles to the followers of Jesus, I was startled. With each subsequent revelation, I felt I should be less surprised—but instead I was...
119: Faithlines—David’s Mantle 7
Some years ago, after I finished a tertiary creative writing course, I was asked for feedback. I wrote a scathing letter about the Christian fantasy elective, summing up my criticism of it as a subject designed by a pair of seventeen-year-old males who thought they...
118: Faithlines—David’s Mantle 6
David’s decision at Ziklag—to use the ephod as mediated by the priest Abiathar to choose between keeping his multiple covenants with the House of Saul or else rescuing the families of his men—was the result of a double-bind dilemma. He got himself into an ethical...
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