Until the nineteenth century, threshold covenants were understood in the west. They still are in places where our current deconstructionist worldview hasn’t made much headway into local traditional cultures.
The knowledge of thresholds, the defence covenants and hospitality rites associated with them, and the implications of threshold spirits are still retained in many societies outside the postmodern west.
Moreover, once we grasp the concept, we can’t unsee its operation throughout Scripture and it’s easy to default to the view that the fallen angelic dignitaries watching over supernatural portals are everywhere and everywhen and the cause of all our problems.
Far from it.
These are very specialised spirits with specific offices. They have reversed their roles and tend to do the opposite of what they were appointed to carry out. Yet they are by no means the only opposition we face. They are threshold guardians—or throne guardians—and they watch over transitional spaces and states, most especially the doorway into our calling. They put significant effort into trying to block that—but they are far from our greatest enemy.
We’re also opposed by principalities—that is, angelic majesties who rule over territories and nations—as well as world-rulers, that is, great cosmic generals in charge of global systems, like weather and seasons, along with solar and lunar and planetary bodies.
We’re told by both Peter and Jude in their epistles that all such beings, even the most malevolent, are not to be disrespected. The golden rule is our go-to watchword: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
This includes our adversaries.
Now, hostile as these spiritual enemies are, there’s one more serious.
Our own complicity with these dark and destructive powers is the source of their legal rights over us, whether our allegiance is active or passive, conscious or unconscious, deliberate or accidental.
If it’s active, then we’re complicit through our own sin and our failure to repent and forgive. If it’s passive, then we’re complicit through unresolved generational iniquity and our failure to repent and forgive.
Sometimes, as noted in the last session, iniquity can descend to us through a faithline as well as a bloodline.
When God invites us through the doorway into our calling, He has a new suit for us. This includes a mantle, a family mantle that signifies restored inheritance. A mantle can come from anyone in the family of faith, for instance:
- from Abraham
- or Elijah
- from Deborah
- or Moses
And the mantle isn’t given to us to repeat their works but to finish what they left undone, to repair what they messed up, to advance the Kingdom of Heaven where they stopped moving.
That mantle is what Lilith wants to take from us—the bequest God has granted us, that prophetic, governmental, warrior or healing mantle bequeathed to us as our inheritance in the faith.
And if we are unaware of her schemes, all too often she succeeds.
This is Grace Drops and I’m Anne Hamilton. May the Holy Spirit be with you this day.

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