Book Extracts

The Elijah Tapestry
Every so often I decide I've had enough of delving into the dark agendas of the fallen threshold guardians. So I take time out to explore the awesome works of Jesus in healing history. More often than not, my 'holiday' from thinking about thresholds turns out to be...

Writers’ Showcase
If you're in South-east Queensland in early August, you may be interested in the following event. When God calls you to write—be it just one book or several—then it's wise to prepare for the journey. The Brisbane Omega Showcase (Friday 11 August and Saturday 12...

God’s Poetry: 1
Who am I? Is there any purpose to my life? Why was I born in this country? Why was I given this nationality and brought up in this family in this era of history? How would my future change if any of these aspects were different? Some people never ask these questions....