55: Prayer 8

55: Prayer 8

Heavenly Father, Gracious King, may Your name be honoured and hallowed and kept holy in this prayer and every prayer I place before You. May the loveliest of fragrances ascend from the prayer altar, may the incense of my petitions be pleasing to You. Forgive me for...
54: Spirit of Leviathan 3

54: Spirit of Leviathan 3

Leviathan is described as a monstrous multi-headed dragon of the sea that God created to frolic in the deep. Yet, as I indicated in the last session, it’s also described in a way that mysteriously parallels the inner court of the Temple where the Levites minister....
53: Spirit of Leviathan 2

53: Spirit of Leviathan 2

Around 370 years ago, during the English Civil War, the philosopher Thomas Hobbes wrote an early and influential treatise on social contract theory. The war of ‘all against all’ in a nation could only be avoided, he said, by strong undivided government under an...