27: Prayer 4

27: Prayer 4

Loving Lord and Father of all, I’ve broken the first commandment, the one that says: ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.’ (Exodus 20:3 NIV) I wasn’t intending to violate it. In fact, I was taking great care not to have anything higher in life than You. But I’m...
26: Doing Time

26: Doing Time

For the last few sessions I’ve been talking about false refuges. To finish up this topic, at least for a while, I’m going to focus on what is probably the most subtle and—perhaps—the most common of all.  Now many people have told me about how life-changing it’s been...
25: Retreat in Rejection

25: Retreat in Rejection

The spirit of rejection is a genius at getting us to flee into a false refuge. And I mean that in the literal, original sense of the Latin word ‘genius’, a watching spirit who guides and governs a person from birth. Jesus, in warning people not to belittle...
Special—The Bread of Return

Special—The Bread of Return

This podcast is by special request and is based on John 6. If you are reading rather than listening, you may want to pause at the selah moments to listen to a song from YouTube. The choice of song was dictated by their absence of ads. Jesus answered, “I am the bread...