by Anne Hamilton | Nov 8, 2024 | Covenant, David, faithline, mantle, repentance
In the reports of spiritual and sexual abuse that occur with monotonous weekly regularity, there’s a disturbing recurrent trend. Leaders, so it’s far too often said, should be forgiven and swiftly restored to a public preaching and pastoral role—because King David...
by Anne Hamilton | Apr 2, 2024 | Covenant, faithline, guardians, repentance
Anyone well-acquainted with a healing ministry or prayer counselling will be aware of the importance of forgiveness and repentance in both the life of an individual and in their bloodline. When there are repeated issues that afflict one generation after another after...
by Anne Hamilton | Nov 3, 2023 | Anat, Covenant, Leviathan
The prophet Ezekiel described the angelic cherubim as the motive power operating the throne of God. Their four faces—ox, lion, eagle and man—mysteriously correspond to seasonal gateways of the ancient mazzaroth, the zodiac. Representations of the cherubim were...
by Anne Hamilton | Oct 19, 2023 | Anat, appointed time, Covenant, LIlith
Early in the morning of October 7, Hamas forces from Gaza launched 5000 missiles into Israel. This opening salvo of a major offensive covered a breach of the border, allowing armed militants to swarm into kibbutzim and to attack a rave party in the sands of the Negev...
by Anne Hamilton | Aug 4, 2023 | Covenant, LIlith, Thresholds
As soon as Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden, they realised they were naked and felt shame. In a futile attempt at a cover-up, they made themselves clothes out of fig leaves. But it didn’t work. Shame led to...
by Anne Hamilton | Jul 21, 2023 | appointed time, Covenant, False Refuges, LIlith
Lilith is a vampire spirit. But, like the other fallen threshold guardians, that’s not the only way to describe her or her sole function. She’s also associated with night, the grave, and dispossession. When she wears the face of Anat, she also claims sovereignty of...