94: Spirit of Lilith 8

94: Spirit of Lilith 8

Each of the threshold spirts has a different toolbox of tactics when it comes to testing and tempting us. Yet, once we’ve identified a particular spirit and its legal right to function in our lives, the vast majority of us are keen to renounce the vows, cancel the...
92: Spirit of Lilith 6

92: Spirit of Lilith 6

As soon as Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden, they realised they were naked and felt shame. In a futile attempt at a cover-up, they made themselves clothes out of fig leaves. But it didn’t work. Shame led to...
86: Spirit of Lilith 1

86: Spirit of Lilith 1

Lilith is only mentioned once in Scripture—in Isaiah 34:14. Together with watcher-jackals and goat-demons, she haunts the ruins of Edom. Her name is often translated as owl, since it derives from night. However, that’s not entirely satisfactory since Isaiah clearly...