80: Spirit of Rachab 3

80: Spirit of Rachab 3

When I was young, I loved the Anne of Green Gables series by LM Montgomery. Whenever my mother would catch me staring into space and asked me what I was doing, I’d quote from one of the books, ‘Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits.’ That wasn’t it...
50: The Spirit of Python 6

50: The Spirit of Python 6

Another reason we can be sure Python is involved in the temptation of Jesus is because the devil quotes Psalm 91. Ironically, in that era, this psalm was used as a protective talisman to keep the devil away. Did I say, ‘in that era’? No, it’s not a bygone thing:...
48: Prayer 7

48: Prayer 7

Abba Father, as I’ve read and listened to these tactics of the spirit of Python over the past few sessions, I realise how very many of them I’ve fallen for. I’ve been duped by the counterfeits; tempted by the baits; taken—and been taken by—the lures; frustrated by the...