95: Throne Guardians

95: Throne Guardians

The prophet Ezekiel described the angelic cherubim as the motive power operating the throne of God. Their four faces—ox, lion, eagle and man—mysteriously correspond to seasonal gateways of the ancient mazzaroth, the zodiac. Representations of the cherubim were...
63: Prayer 9

63: Prayer 9

Heavenly Father, Father who loves me and delights in me and sings lullabies and romances and dreamsongs over me, may Your name be kept holy in all that I think and say and do. May I bring honour to You by honouring each day and its challenges and joys. May I bring...
59: Spirit of Leviathan 7

59: Spirit of Leviathan 7

Of all the mysteries surrounding Leviathan, and there are many, one of the strangest involves a very specific curse. On several occasions, I’ve met up with people who, for no apparent reason, seem to have suffered reprisal as long as they can remember. An absurdly...
58: Spirit of Leviathan 6

58: Spirit of Leviathan 6

During the last days of their wilderness wanderings, the people of Israel fell to grumbling as they had done long before. God had provided them with manna and quail, water and a cloud to cover and direct them for the best part of four decades, but were they grateful?...