94: Spirit of Lilith 8

94: Spirit of Lilith 8

Each of the threshold spirts has a different toolbox of tactics when it comes to testing and tempting us. Yet, once we’ve identified a particular spirit and its legal right to function in our lives, the vast majority of us are keen to renounce the vows, cancel the...
74: Spirit of Kronos 4

74: Spirit of Kronos 4

Last session we looked at the five pre-conditions that ready us to receive the gift of more time from God. We’re dealing with paradox here. This is grace, wholly unmerited favour, yet we have to collaborate in the work in order to merit what can never be merited....
73: Spirit of Kronos 3

73: Spirit of Kronos 3

What if we’ve wasted time? What if we’ve been so completely complicit with Kronos that we feel there’s no way left to retrieve our calling? What if we’ve grown old with waiting for God to act and deliver a breakthrough, but we now realise what held us back was a...