In the last session, we finished with the thought that most believers assume faith overcomes Python. That’s a mistake, sometimes a tragic one. Because we become tempted to demonstrate our faith in risky ventures, rather cling to the faith of Jesus as He intercedes on our behalf.
When it comes to overcoming Python, most believers fail to recognise its legal right to test our choices. Instead, for anyone involved in deliverance ministry today, the almost universal approach is to bind and cast it out.
For over a decade, I’ve kept my eye out, looking for the origin of binding as it’s currently practised. Who promoted it first? You see, I can’t find it in Scripture. I can find recommendations against it regarding Leviathan; and cautions in Jude and Peter against anything other than asking God to rebuke the satan. I can look at Jesus’ ministry and fail to find it. He casts out, certainly, but there’s no story where He binds a demon. On the contrary, He lets some go into pigs; He volleys verses with the devil; He prays for Simon Peter as he’s about to be sifted as wheat; He rebukes demons as well as people influenced by demons; but, as for binding, I can’t see a single instance.
I think there’s good reason for this. At the time, using a power declaration to ‘bind’ a spirit was recognised as part of the occult arts. It would have been considered sorcery.
Now Jesus, of course, mentions binding but, in both cases, the Greek word that’s been translated into English as bind is also a word for legal restraint. What are legal constraints when it comes to demons, and also higher level spiritual powers like Python and Leviathan?
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Look at the words. It’s conditional and legal. Lack of forgiveness is a legal right for affliction by demons; forgiveness on the other hand is a legal restraint to curtail them.
Repentance is a legal restraint, as is renunciation of complicity and covenant with the powers that our ancestors worshipped or aligned themselves with.
It’s much easier to say, ‘I bind you, Python, in Jesus’ name,’ than it is to sit with Jesus and do the hard yards of uncovering our deeds of treachery against God and collaboration with the enemy. Laziness and shame are the real reasons behind so many theological justifications for not repenting, and for not even needing to repent.
So, instead, we try a workaround to pass Python’s test and cross the threshold. One common one is to dip our toes, all unknowing, into occult practices.
Been there, done that. I used to ‘twirl’ on the spot to get relief from anxiety. It was only many years after I stopped that I discovered its magical overtones. If you’ve been binding, talk to Jesus about it. Don’t assume it’s harmless, don’t assume it’s harmful either. Ask.
This is Grace Drops and I’m Anne Hamilton. May you know the Shepherd voice of Jesus today.
Thank you to Lorna Skinner of for the background music.

What a wonderful podcast. So life-giving!!!
Anne, what about Matthew 18:18? Doesn’t that say what ever we proclaim as bound or unlawful on Earth has already been proclaimed as bound or unlawful in Heaven? Does this mean that Python is free to do whatever in Heaven and there are no boundaries for him there so there must be no boundaries for him here?
Hi Donna – the context of Matthew 18:18 is church discipline and is addressing the church as a body and conferring on it the right to make legally binding declarations about disputes. There is a procedure to follow before even getting to the point of being able to make such a declaration. This is not therefore for individuals to carry out but the church as a corporate Body. In addition, if the church has followed procedure and has been in touch with the Holy Spirit all the way, then there would be no bending, breaking, folding, spindling or mutilating of the will of God in the final declaration. There would be absolutely no violation of God’s Word as a result if the church as a Body is genuinely seeking God’s will and not their own. No church should be seeking to overturn or nullify any part of the Word of God. So, with respect to Python and the word of God given to the serpent that he can “strike the heel” – which also has the sense in Hebrew of “test the choices” – then no church (or individual for that matter) should “bind” Python so it doesn’t have the power to test our choices. We can ask God to rebuke it if it goes too far in testing, but that is not binding.
Thank you. <3
What is “twirling” and also the magical overtones associated with it!
Twirling is simply spinning on the spot. Its magical overtones are an attempt to cross over the threshold by trying to create an occult power similar to that of a whirlwind – to lift up and over without touching.