Hi and welcome to Grace Drops!
You’ve found the home of podcasts and resources about threshold and name covenants. In the treasure trove of Scripture, these jewels have been pushed so far into the back shadows we’ve forgotten they even exist.
These short talks aim to uncover the importance of these covenants for everyday life and ordinary Christian experience. Most believers have discovered that, when they try to enter into the calling they sense God has placed over their lives, they are blocked by intense constriction, wasting and retaliation. Grace Drops explores why this happens.
Back in the late nineteenth century, just as the understanding of threshold covenant was disappearing, Henry Clay Trumbull recorded many contemporary cultural practices in The Threshold Covenant. It is available for download here.
While his book explains what this covenant is, it doesn’t tell us the spiritual ramifications of violating this covenant. However, Scripture is quite clear on this matter. Let mystery give way to revelation as you listen and read.
Grace and peace

117: Faithlines—David’s Mantle 5
Remember that eulogy David proclaimed over himself before he died? Theologically suspect—because it ignored divine grace and basically says God rewarded him for being righteous. We should know better than to trust any eulogy to give us a full picture of a person’s...
116: Faithlines—David’s Mantle 4
It dawned on me while I was reading Character Counts by Os Guinness that the modern view of God’s sovereignty is probably attributable to Abraham Lincoln and his vast influence on the American psyche. The pervasive idea in his writing during the American Civil War...
115: Faithlines—David’s Mantle 3
In the reports of spiritual and sexual abuse that occur with monotonous weekly regularity, there’s a disturbing recurrent trend. Leaders, so it’s far too often said, should be forgiven and swiftly restored to a public preaching and pastoral role—because King David...
114: Faithlines—David’s Mantle 2
David wanted to make a name for himself. He wanted a city named after him and he wanted to head up a dynasty and have a ruling ‘house’ named after him. He wanted a name forever preserved by history. David’s ambition is spelled out in the biblical record. No doubt the...
113: Faithlines—David’s Mantle 1
‘No one is good except God alone.’ Mark 10:18 ESV Nowhere are we more in need of this reminder by Jesus than when it comes to the golden boy of Scripture—David of Bethlehem. He’s the hero par excellence, the runt of the litter who becomes a champion, the underdog who...
112: Faithlines—Moses’ Mantle 4
Simon Peter was given Elijah’s mantle and, although he completed its unfinished task of bringing in the Gentiles, he did not go on to turn the hearts of the grafted-in children to their fathers in the faith. Mary Magdalene was given Joseph’s mantle but she was quickly...
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