

Emmaus. It’s a sweet and satisfying story; one full of lingering charm and delight; it has elements of comedy along with a touch of mystery.  Two disciples are heading along the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus, a distance of sixty stadia, which is about eleven...
26: Doing Time

26: Doing Time

For the last few sessions I’ve been talking about false refuges. To finish up this topic, at least for a while, I’m going to focus on what is probably the most subtle and—perhaps—the most common of all.  Now many people have told me about how life-changing it’s been...
Special—The Bread of Return

Special—The Bread of Return

This podcast is by special request and is based on John 6. If you are reading rather than listening, you may want to pause at the selah moments to listen to a song from YouTube. The choice of song was dictated by their absence of ads. Jesus answered, “I am the bread...
10: Two Kinds of Spiritual Thresholds

10: Two Kinds of Spiritual Thresholds

There are two main words for threshold in Hebrew. One relates to an ordinary entrance: good, blessed and essentially holy. The other describes a doorway that is defiled, unholy and treacherous. The first word, ‘kaph’, is the ordinary threshold. I introduced ‘kaph’ in...
9: Passover – invitation to covenant

9: Passover – invitation to covenant

The Passover is a prophetic foreshadowing of the most significant threshold event in all history: the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth from the dead. The first Passover was celebrated in Egypt at the end of four hundred years of slavery. God gave the directions for...