30: Tricks and Traps 3

30: Tricks and Traps 3

It’s very easy to become stuck with modes of thinking about covenant that are partly right but mostly wrong. Once we become mired in the notion that covenant is more-or-less an exceptionally serious and sacred contract and marginalise its core—the oneness with another...
29: Tricks and Traps 2

29: Tricks and Traps 2

The importance of understanding covenant is underscored by the various ways we can fall into traps if we cherish a wrong view of it. When we focus on the contractual aspects of it, we can slide into an idea best described as ‘transactional Christianity’. One of my...
28: Tricks and Traps 1

28: Tricks and Traps 1

Does God want you to be like Him? I have to reveal right up front that this is a trick question. During a seminar on the topic of covenants, I’d even warn people beforehand not to call out their answer but someone always would. And that instinctive shout in response...