by Anne Hamilton | Nov 14, 2022 | abuse, False Refuges, Kronos
‘Time heals all wounds.’ This is one of the biggest misconceptions about trauma imaginable. Trauma pins us in time. It stakes us to the moment of pain. It puts a spear through us so that we can’t remove it and distorts our perception of time from that moment on. Time...
by Anne Hamilton | Nov 8, 2022 | abuse, False Refuges
Back in Eden, the fire-serpent tempted Adam and Eve with the beguiling thought: ‘You can be like gods.’ That idea emanated out of the nachash’s own heart—to raise his throne above the stars of God. The motivation behind all the enemy’s mimicking of God is being like...
by Anne Hamilton | Apr 5, 2022 | Covenant, False Refuges, guardians, Testing, Thresholds
Psalm 91 is a great proclamation of faith in God’s covenantal protection for those who take refuge in Him. But as mentioned in the last session, for many believers across the millennia, even up to the present day, there has been a temptation to turn it into a magic...
by Anne Hamilton | Mar 11, 2022 | False Refuges, guardians, Testing, Thresholds
The consistency of symbolism surrounding the spirit of Python is remarkable. There are few concepts that can cross cultural divides virtually intact. However, the common experience of the ancient world—whether it was Greek or Jew—was such that Python was associated...
by Anne Hamilton | Aug 27, 2021 | False Refuges, Prayer, repentance
Loving Lord and Father of all, I’ve broken the first commandment, the one that says: ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.’ (Exodus 20:3 NIV) I wasn’t intending to violate it. In fact, I was taking great care not to have anything higher in life than You. But I’m...
by Anne Hamilton | Aug 20, 2021 | False Refuges, guardians, Passover, repentance
For the last few sessions I’ve been talking about false refuges. To finish up this topic, at least for a while, I’m going to focus on what is probably the most subtle and—perhaps—the most common of all. Now many people have told me about how life-changing it’s been...